Irrigation Water Management Training

p1160003SWCD staff and OSU Extension Horticulturalist Steve Castagnoli were successful in securing an Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) grant to conduct a three-year project to improve understanding and implementation of irrigation water management (IWM) practices.  This effort aims to promote more active and efficient irrigation management. Better management will reduce on-farm water use and the amount of water diverted from streams without compromising crop productivity. Through this project, the SWCD and partners will hold two IWM workshops in Spanish, two IWM field tours for orchardists, and provide one-on-one intensive training for five local orchardists.

The first IWM workshop was held on June 29th at Pine Grove Orchards.  People in attendance heard presentations on efficient irrigation design, integrating automation, irrigation schedulers, new technology, and soil water management tools and techniques.  Many thanks to Ken Newman, Steve Castagnoli, the irrigation supply vendors and all the growers who helped make the event a success.  Contact Conservation Technician Kris Schaedel for more information on this project.