Recording – East Fork Irrigation District Updates Presentation

Steve Pappas, District Manager for the East Fork Irrigation District, provides an update on EFID’s current projects, including pipeline modernization, telemetry, and plans for sediment removal.

Watch the video here.

Video: Three Decades of Partnership and Collaborative Restoration in the Hood River Watershed










Farmers Conservation Alliance, a local non-profit focused on irrigation modernization and water conservation, developed a video about the three decades of partnership and collaborative restoration in the Hood River Watershed.

We were fortunate to share the video in person with everyone who attended the Annual Celebration, and we’re now able to share it with our broader community. We hope you’ll be as moved as we are by the video. It’s a powerful reminder of how much can be accomplished by coming together and working towards common goals.

We now look ahead to the next thirty years, continuing to build a resilient watershed for and with our watershed community.

Watch the video here.